About the MCAT

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) has been part of the medical school admissions process for over 60 years. The MCAT is a standardized examination made up of three multiple-choice sections and a writing assessment designed to measure problem solving, critical thinking, writing skills, and knowledge of scientific concepts and principles which are considered essential for success when studying medicine.
The multiple choice section consists of three core components:

  • Physical Sciences
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Biological Sciences

Each of the three sections contributes to the test taker's score. The 2013 MCAT will also contain a Trial Section that is not scored. Scores that are more than three years old will not be considered in many schools. The chart below provides an overview of the four sections:

Test Section



Tutorial Section


10 Minutes

Examinee Agreement


10 Minutes

Physical Sciences


70 Minutes

Break (optional)


10 Minutes

Verbal Reasoning


60 Minutes

Break (optional)


10 Minutes

Biological Sciences


70 Minutes

Break (optional)


10 Minutes

Void Question


5 Minutes

Break (optional)


10 Minutes

Trial Section (optional) 


45 Minutes

SatisfMCATion Survey (optional)


10 Minutes

Total Content Time


4 Hours, 5 Minutes

Total "Seat" Time


5 Hours, 10 Minutes

Total time does not include check-in time on arrival at the test centre.