GMAT Registration: When Should you Schedule your GMAT?

Good question. This comes up with every GMAT student and the answer is that it depends. First off, if you haven’t done any GMAT preparation and you don’t have the GMATprep software yet then it would be a good idea to start your study program by completing your GMAT registration

If you haven’t started your GMAT studying then you may want to wait to schedule the

Yes, it may feel good to get the GMAT date all set but it may be better to take some time to take a GMAT practice test so that you can take stock of where you are and make an informed decision about how much time it will take to reach your ideal GMAT score.

Be realistic and give yourself enough time to study

What did you get on your GMAT diagnostic? What is your score goal? If there’s a big gap be thinking 3 months minimum of consistent GMAT studying. Yes, I have seen amazing increases in 6 weeks but in general learning takes time. Be honest about how much time you have to study and how quickly you learn. Don’t worry if you are a slower learner.  How quickly you learn has no bearing on what your final GMAT score can be.

Let’s get that GMAT Scheduled!

Provided that you have taken a practice test and considered how much GMAT studying you may need, I am in favor of scheduling your GMAT exam as soon as possible. Why? Scheduling a test can help focus your studying: each day starts to really matter as the time ticks away towards test day. Also, if you schedule in advance you’ll have a better chance of getting the date and time that you want.